Exams and Exam Centers
Ethics, Training, Schedule, & Format Information

Additional Forms for Certification:
Exam Centers for Emperical Testing are still being developed. At this time unless you are located in Southern California or in Arizona we suggest using evaluators to complete that part of the requirements. For more information on the existing exam centers please email nccoep@earthlink.netStandards of Practice Exam Information
Standards of Practice
Anatomy and Physiology Training Information
The Certification Center will accept all college level anatomy and physiology training programs. We also accept anatomy and physiology classes for physician, nurses, physical therapists, chiropractors etc. If you have taken a massage therapy anatomy and physiology class please list the number of course hours and the topics covered. (See mandatory list of topics below.) If possible contact person at the training program where you took the course to confirm the topics covered. All submitted courses will be evaluated for equivalency. Include the transcript showing that you completed the course of study with your application.Practitioners can also take the training online at:
Cost is $150.
This training covers the following information and is based on the leading Human Physiology (15th ed.) textbook by Fox.
- Chapter 1: The Study of Body Function
- Chapter 2: Chemical Composition of the Body
- Chapter 3: Cell Structure and Genetic Control
- Chapter 4: Enzymes and Energy
- Chapter 5: Cell Respiration and Metabolism
- Chapter 6: Interactions Between Cells and the Extracellular Environment
- Chapter 7: The Nervous System
- Chapter 8: The Central Nervous System
- Chapter 9: The Autonomic Nervous System
- Chapter 10: Sensory Physiology
- Chapter 11: Endocrine Glands
- Chapter 12: Muscle
- Chapter 13: Blood, Heart and Circulation
- Chapter 14: Cardiac Output, Blood Flow, and Blood Pressure
- Chapter 15: The Immune System
- Chapter 16: Respiratory Physiology
- Chapter 17: Physiology of the Kidneys
- Chapter 18: The Digestive System
- Chapter 19: Regulation of Metabolism
- Chapter 20: Reproduction
Schedule and Format
After you enroll in this online course, you must complete it within 1 year of purchase. You decide when you start and complete this course.
You will purchase or rent Fox’s Human Physiology (13th-15th eds.), McGraw-Hill (publisher), review the corresponding PowerPoints, and must pass 16 chapter exams with scores of 12/15 or higher. Each exam will consist of 15 multiple-choice questions taken online. You will have unlimited time to complete each exam. You may retake each exam until you achieve a passing score. After submitting answers, you will see an overall score and the questions they missed.
We encourage you to use the practice testing in Exams and review the PowerPoints in Course Documents online, and check out the articles and videos in the Web Links section. Since this course is an independent study, there are no class discussions, essays, or papers.
You may pay $150 and use the Human Physiology Add to Cart button on the web site. You will need Fox’s Human Physiology textbook which may be available for rental from vendors like Amazon.com. We recommend, but do not require, the 15th edition.
Academic Rigor
This online course is comparable in coverage to a 3-credit-hour undergraduate course and will satisfy anatomy and physiology requirement.
Professional Liability Insurance
We require Professional Liability Insurance. The following organizations offer professional liability insurance. This list is not complete. We take no responsibility for the quality of the insurance chosen. Professional Liability Insurance may also be available through other organizations. It is the responsibility of the individual practitioner to investigate and determine the Professional Liability Insurance that best meets their needs.Oath For Practitioners
Attached is the oath for practitioners. We invite all members of the community to create the correct ceremony recognizing their personal achievement of national certification. We encourage practitioners to have someone whom they love and respect administer the oath in a ceremony that others witness. The members of the board of directors of NCCOEP would be delight to be included via link if time allows. Please contact nccoep@earthlink.net for more information.Oath For Practitioners Form